City Of Marietta Residents

We know city of Marietta Residents are facing the same problems and we have city residents in our group too. We are all Cobb County residents even if you live in the city and need to address the county to get funding which flows to the city. However, Residents in the city of Marietta will also need to address issues to the city. We want to support city of Marietta Residents in those efforts. Please help us find and connect with others in the city of marietta Impacted.

Please feel free to join us. City and County residents can work together to bring changes in the city of Marietta too.  By banding together, we can put pressure on the city and the county to make changes.  There are strength in numbers. The can't ignore a community working together. Join us by clicking on the link below. Please fill out your contact info and damages and indicate in the comments that you are in the city. 

We would like to organize a town hall with city officials if there is enough interest by city residents to get the City to make changes that need to be made. But we need more city residents to engage.